Sweet Eats Bakery

This project first involved using semantic HTML to give the content understandable structure and then styling that structure with CSS to get the desired final output.

screenshot of sweet eats bakery page

Great Idea Website

This project involved building a one page website from scratch. Given a design image I used HTML and CSS together to match the said image. Flexbox and CSS grid were not permitted for use in this project.

screenshot of great idea website home

Great Idea Website - Flexbox

This project involved taking our old code for the great idea website and changing it so that we use flexbox. This allowed for greater control of content layout.

screenshot of code

Great Idea Website - Responsive

This project involved taking our old code for the great idea website and making it a responsive site. We used media queries to make changes of our site at widths of 800px and 500px. These sizes are close representations of a tablet(800px) and a cell phone(500px).

screenshot of mobile version of great idea site

Digital Resume Example - Preprocessing

For this project I built a resume page from scratch. Building the website was the mission, but becoming familiar with the setup and basic use of preprocessors was our educational goal for the project.

webpage screenshot

Fun Bus Travel Agency - Preprocessing

For this project we were given a design image and the html for the fun bus travel agency page. Our goal was to use LESS preprocessing to get our page to match up with the design file provided. In a previous project focused on preprocessing we only used an index.less file, but for this project we used multiple ones and imported them all into index.less.

webpage screenshot

SpaceWalkers - Advanced CSS

This project explored advanced CSS techniques such as Responsive Design and Preprocessing Some of these tech techniques included the use of the the viewport meta tag, media queries, setting up a preprocessor, and advanced preprocessing techniques. This project focus was mainly on taking the provided content and adding mobile styling.

earth view from space

Lambda School Newsfeed - Components

The goal of this project was to build a news feed reader. The CSS and some HTML were provided and we were to build add to key features to the page and that was a collapsing menu and expandable news articles. In order to achieve these requirements we were to build out our components using JavaScript. Finally we added common functionality and styling to get our reusable components.

webpage screenshot

GitHub User Card - Components

In this project we accessed the GitHub API and and built a social card based on the data we got back. So the first objective was to make a GET request to the Github API and then use the data we got back to construct a reusable component for a social card. Then using our component we built a Github social cards first for us and then for a group of our followers.

webpage screenshot

Reducer Todo App - Deployed App

This allowed me to explore the concepts and techniques in regards to reducers and apply them in a concrete project. This react application is a simple Todo app that allows users to add, toggle tasks between incomplete and complete and to remove all completed tasks from the todo list. I deployed this app using Vercel.

webpage screenshot